Asian Playboy Digital Online Course

Once upon a time, I was in college studying aerospace engineering. I was 100% a NERD. GEEK. DORK. And I absolutely SUCKED with women. I was a virgin who had never even kissed a girl. My crush invited me out to a party and I thought to myself, “This is it! She wants me!” I walked into that party with what I thought was a confident swagger… where I promptly cowered in the corner and stared at everyone like a serial killer. I didn’t know what else to do. And you know what happened between me and my crush that night?
Nothing. She went home with a blonde surfer guy. Ouch.
I completely understand what it’s like to not know how to navigate the world of women. I had so little skill and confidence in myself that I didn’t have my first kiss… my first girlfriend… my first sexual experience that didn’t involve my hand until I was in my twenties. Not knowing what to do or say can make a guy feel pretty lame and useless.
Fortunately for you, I’ve already gone through ten years of painstaking and brutal training to drag myself out of the ditch of loneliness and become one of the world’s greatest pickup artists, and I’m ready to pass on that knowledge to you so that you don’t have to suffer like I did.
How high would your limits be if someone could just give you a formula that made everything so simple, it felt like cheating?
What would it feel like if someone could give you templates of EXACTLY what you needed to do and say?
How awesome would it be if someone could just show you EVERYTHING you needed to know?
Welcome to The World of Modern Asian Man.
In this incredible system, you’ll have access to over TEN YEARS of incredible information, all designed to help you transform yourself into the man you always wanted to be, but never thought you could be. You’ll be getting your hands on incredible transcripts, photos, videos, audio, tips, tricks, tactics, and never-before-seen SECRET material that will help you learn how to make women so interested in you, you’ll end up having to say no to them because you just won’t have time for that many women.
- You’ll learn everything you need to know to approach, attract, and woo women.
- You’ll gain confidence and mental strength you never thought you had.
- You’ll master conversation skills, mixed sets, how to deal with cockblocks, extraction, and escalation.
- And most importantly, you’ll learn how to turn yourself into the kind of man who never has to go home alone again.
And the best part about it? You’ll be able to learn all of this in the comfort of your own home. NO having to take time off work. NO having to buy expensive plane tickets and hotel rooms. NO having to stand up in front of a class full of people.
Actually, I lied, because it gets even better than that. I’ve created the Asian Playboy Digital Online Course (APB-DOC) and packaged the Modern Asian Man with over 10 CDs from PUA Radio and a bonus Acceleration seminar from one of the top pickup artists in the world all into one package. Instead of selling it for a ridiculous amount, I’m making it accessible to everyone for only $47!
That’s right – everything you’ll ever need to become a better Asian man for just the price of a week’s worth of Chic-fil-A breakfast biscuits.
Get Started With the Asian Playboy Digital Online Course for as Little as $47!
Every minute you wait is another beautiful lady you’re missing out on, so hurry up and take advantage of this incredible opportunity while it lasts!
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P.S. Still not convinced the Asian Playboy Digital Online Course can help? Proof is in the pudding AND the bonuses. Check out more book reviews from real people who have benefited from my online course and the bonuses that you get inside! Not to mention the 60 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied for ANY REASON. Now you have no excuse not to take advantage of this amazing course!
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I Did It My Way:
The Modern Asian Man’s Guide To Complete Social Success eBook Review
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