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Your Ultimate Female Attraction Personal Trainer
Four (4) Session Monthly Plan is now here!

Our ladies are primed and ready to help you see yourself the way your date see’s you and help you to tackle the hurdles that they will uncover. With experience in dating as a ‘modern woman’ and having been trained under the system created by Celebrity PickUp Artist JT Tran, these well rounded and ‘in the know’ coaches can help you to polish up your game by blending both male and female rules of dating to make you your best!
Here is what you can expect from the ABCs Social Concierge Program
Session One
Session One allows us to get to know you personally. You will have a dating experience just like the rest followed by feedback that you would NEVER get from your real dates.
Our Social Concierge will be your ‘Pseudo-Date’ for the night and giving you valuable feedback and instruction so that you can get that second date and beyond. You will NEVER see dating the same way again! Session Includes:
- Pre Date Intake Call and Questionnaire
- ‘Pseudo-Date’ which includes both a ‘sit down’ style date as well as an ‘activity’ date so you can show us how you perform in different enviroments
- Lifestyle and Image Intake and Consultation
- Feedback on your dating skills
- Student Report Card: Includes specific Feedback, areas of potential improvement, and suggestions to improve in each of the steps taught in the ABC curriculum.
- Personalized Plan or ‘Perscription’ to reach YOUR specific goals
Total: 4 Training Hours
We let you Pick These Ladies Brain’s to help you Meet Women Like Them & Learn Social Mastery
Note: Spots are running out for this program. Due to the dedicated personalized attention, when a spot opens up for a VIP Social Concierge Session, it can sell out within days of announcement. Please book right away to avoid waitlisting.
Sessions Two and Three
(Customized to your needs, because no two guys are the same!)
After we get to know you better and understand your specific goals, you and your Social Concierge will use her ‘women’s intuition’ as well as your input to come up with a game plan as to how to get you from where you are NOW to the man that you want to be.
With insight from a woman’s INSIDER perspective, you will be sure to hear the truth about what your dates REALLY think! In this personalized program, your coach will be combing infield sessions, exercises, and a custom combination of ‘Image Polishing Activities’ that will get you on your way to being the man of her dreams in no time!
Total: 8 Training Hours (split between 2 sessions)
Here are some of the sessions that your Social Concierge might prescribe for you:
- Date Planning and Execution
- Online Dating/Online Presence Optimization
- Creative Social Circle Building Including Infield Wing WomanSessions
- Fashion, Lifestyle, Etiquette, and Image Sessions
- Exercises to Eliminate Approach Anxiety and Self-Limiting Beliefs, and Developing Conversational Skills
- Proper Body Language, Voice Tonality, and Escalation Techniques
Read What Satisfied Clients Have Said
Session Four:
Session four is a cumulative exam, grand finale, and review of the progress you have made. This typically will be a night out on the town where our Social Concierge will serve as your ‘wing-girl’ for the night and your personal expert in training you to build a social circle. This is your chance to show your coach what you have learned and how much you have grown!
With your ‘wing-girl’ by your side, she will not only offer you social proof but will also be helping you to approach, pickup, and entertain some of the hottest girls in the venue.
Through this experience your coach will be able to see the progress that you have made, give you an updated report as well as feedback on your improvement.
Total: 4 Training Hours
Real Clients Are Getting Real Results
Demonstrations, Drills, & Feedback… Everything You Need to Get Really
Good at Interacting with Women
Here is a review from a former student:
Here Is A Taste Of What Your Totally Customized, Social Concierge Session Will Cover…
- A powerful confidence that everyone in your social circle and social life can feel. Just by walking into the room, you radiate a self-belief that earns you instant respect and gains the attention of every woman in the room.
- Your own personal set of social & seductive tactics that are created just for you. This makes your personal transformation and dream results come 100x faster because you’re not using techniques or routines written for someone else or people “in general” like in ebooks or home products…
- A roadmap to completely changing your image to match your ultimate lifestyle dream. Want to be the Playboy? The Bad Boy? The Rock Star? The Dreamy Artist? This weekend, you re-invent yourself to be the ultimate man who scores the hottest women and lives a life of total social abundance.
- A total image revamp so you can stand out in a crowd and have women checking you out instantly without you saying a word.
- The 17 body language tweaks that let you convey to everyone in the room that you are the alpha male…and unconsciously signal to women that you are the guy to go home with that night.
- How to talk to any woman for minutes or hours at a time… without ever running out of things to say or feeling awkward.
- How to weave seductive language into everything you say so women unconsciously start thinking sexual thoughts about you…even to the point where they make the first move.
- The REAL DEAL on what women really want… and why you don’t need anything outside of yourself to give it to them.
- 15 Customized Conversation Openers you can use at any time so you NEVER have to wonder, “What do I say?” before talking to a beautiful woman.
- How to obliterate any “approach anxiety” so you can be on fire and flirting with women left and right.
- The 10 Attraction Switches that you can sneak into regular conversation that subconsciously convince a woman you are an A-List Alpha Male that she better take home quick before another woman snags you!
- The secrets of Buying Temperature Spikes… (this can trick a woman into thinking she was lusting for you all along)… and how to get a woman so excited that she will do nearly anything you say…
- Sexual escalation & touching made easy… Learn how to go from an innocent handshake to having the two of you mauling each other and making out in a corner within minutes…
- Over 20 HOURS of infield and classroom instruction over our 3 days together… You will not leave with a single question unanswered.
- Specific strategies for approaching ANY woman, ANY time, ANY place… no exceptions. Whether she’s at a coffee shop, a bar, or on the street you’ll know what to do.
- Secret Day Game tactics that will let you snatch up hot women when their friends aren’t around (This is especially powerful if you’re not a woman’s usual “type” and you tend to get cock-blocked by a girls’ friends at the clubs)
- Date women completely out of ‘your league.’ It doesn’t matter if you’re short, fat, older, “fobby” or just plain not good looking…
Here’s some before and afters Check out the confidence and style that these guys achieved!
And here is another one…
How Much Does it Cost for Me To
Have Total Sexual Abundance?
Ok, so now you might be wondering…How Much Does it Cost for Me To Pick Your Brain?
- I’m going to give you Fast Action Pricing if you pay in full one month in advance so you can save $$$$ AND get immediate access to your Prebootcamp Homestudy Course so you can start getting instant results today!
- I’ve made arrangements with Square Installments which gives you the flexible financing options including 6 month to 12 month payment plans. By financing your investment with flexible and generous terms, you’ll be able to take advantage of your bootcamp and make low monthly payments over time (subject to credit check as a U.S.A. citizen).
Experience the Social Concierge Program transformation like these students:
Take the ABCs of Attraction Social Concierge Sessions and change your life forever.
You have the most comprehensive attraction and etiquette coaching imaginable with a lady;s touch… and our direct commitment to make sure that you personally have every answer you need.
Don’t wait on this… it really is your one chance to guarantee you get the social and sexual lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.
The Ladies of the ABCs
Really… no matter what you do, get this part of your life handled. Life is so much better once your relationships with women are taken care of.
P.S. – Any questions for us? Use the form below and we’ll email you back or get on the phone and chat if you’d like.
Do you need to talk to someone first or do you have a question? CLICK HERE!