As Seen On TV
Speaker At*
* not an endorsement
After 20+ Years of Training Men to Sleep With, Date, and Attract Unbelievably Educated, Intelligent and Sexy Women… ABCs of Attraction is Still the ONLY Social Skills Company Dedicated to Turning Asian Guys into Seductive Superstars Who Get Any Woman They Want.

Hi, I’m JT Tran,
If you have gotten to this site, then either you’ve heard how ABCs of Attraction is transforming lives of men like you worldwide… or someone has referred to you this page as something that just might solve all of your problems with women…
I’ll confess, I am NOT a natural at this stuff…But through relentless practice, painstaking research, and crushing amounts of rejection, I was able to put together something I call the ABCs of Attraction Playbook…
It’s my complete guide for going from spotting a woman you’ve never met… to turning her into your regular devoted lover… and you can use it again and again to add woman after woman to your weekly cycle of dates or bootycalls…
But I Realized That Even This Manual Wasn’t Enough To Get Guys Like You Laid Consistently
Let’s compare the ABCs of Attraction Playbook to the football playbook that the New England Patriots’ coach uses for winning Superbowls.
If you stole that playbook away from his desk… would you suddenly start turning losing teams into winners and begin commanding a 7-figure coaching salary?
Of course not…
But if you had the coach take you through the playbook, and day by day… show you on the field how to win games… you would very quickly become one of the most powerful minds in the NFL…
And that’s what I want to do for you.
I’ve gone through unbelievable amounts of rejection in my life so you don’t have to.
And my goal for YOU is simple…
Take My 20 Years of Pick-Up Experience And Absorb it All in 3 Power-Packed and ULTRA-FUN Days of Meeting Women & Learning Social Mastery
Note: Spots are running out for this program. Due to the dedicated personalized attention, when a spot opens up for a VIP 1-on-1 Mentoring Bootcamp, it can sell out within days of announcement. Please book right away to avoid waitlisting.
What can you expect from thee ABCs of Attraction 12 Months of Fury Longterm Training Program??
- Month One Week One: Three-day/night, discounted bootcamp with head instructor Week Two: Two 4-hour sessions with coach** Week Three: One personal 4-hour session with head instructor Week Four: Two 4-hour sessions with coach BONUS: 1 phone consultation with a coach Total: 51 Training Hours*
- Month Two Week One: One personal 4-hour session with head instructor Week Two: Two 4-hour sessions with coach** Week Three: One personal 4-hour session with head instructor Week Four: Two 4-hour sessions with coach BONUS: 4 field report critiques (not cumulative) Total: 28 Training Hours*
- Month Three Week One: One personal 4-hour session with head instructor Week Two: Two 4-hour sessions with coach** Week Three: One personal 4-hour session with head instructor Week Four: Two 4-hour sessions with coach BONUS: 4 field report critiques (not cumulative) Total: 28 Training Hours*
- * NOTE: Infield sessions are generally 3-4 hours while advanced classroom sessions are generally 2-3 hours. You can do all infield sessions to accumulate maximum hourly training, but because of the exclusive and advanced topic of the lectures, they are counted as one full class session regardless.
The plan covers all aspects of the learning process. First and foremost, the bootcamp is an absolute necessity. The classroom portion (15+ hours) helps familiarize the student with the terms and delivers the tools to get laid as quickly as possible. The in-field sessions allow the instructor and coaches to oversee the initial execution of all that’s been taught and provide feedback and a (sometimes) friendly push if need be. The student will learn the holistic structure of the ABC method, be drilled in specific areas and have in-field practice each night of the three days giving a rock-solid foundation from which to grow as thoroughly as possible during his self-betterment journey.
In addition (and progress-dependent), the client will be taught more advanced techniques specifically geared towards shortening the time between the meeting and the mating, building stronger connections with women and establishing quality social circles. Topics like internet, text and phone game will be covered as well as various missions given to keep the student on-task, motivated and growing. In essence, if time and motivation allows, the student will learn everything the instructor and coach have to teach. The follow-up in-field training will allow both the head instructor and coach(es) to personally analyze the client’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as his progress, and to deliver on-the-spot suggestions and methods for success.
Here is a list of extremely advanced classes that include, but are not limited to the following topics…
- Advanced Social Circle Training – Penetrate any social circle with ease and planning out your lifestyle of infinite dating.
- Advanced Inner Game – Unlock the champion inside of you and get rid of limiting beliefs so you can be more happy, confident, and successful.
- Advanced Opening – Discover how to create situational openers for maximum impact and genuineness on any approach.
- Advanced Storytelling & Improv – Learn how to tell genuine, powerful stories on the fly and never depend on robotic routines ever again.
- High Society Pickup – Get exclusive access to the most rarified social circles and mingle with models, the rich, and influential so you can learn how to be part of the “IN” crowd.
- Fashion Makeover – Get a woman’s touch to help up your fashion so women find you more sexually attractive and easier to approach.
- Date Critique – Go on a “faux” date with a former beauty pageant queen and get the inside scoop of all the things you’re doing wrong that turn a woman off during a date.
- Threesomes & Harem Management – Learn how to maintain open and honest polyamorous relationships with a harem of women and convince them to have threesomes with you!
- Long Term Relationships & Marriage – Learn from a married former instructor on how he uses the ABCDEF System to maintain a happy relationship that is stressfree and will lead to marriage and love.
- NOTE: All elective advanced classes count as one individual session.
The client will also be held responsible to keep up his expected responsibilities including, but not limited to, keeping an online journal, writing down a mission statement, fashion shopping, weekly/monthly missions, personal hygeine, hair care, reading assignments, watching assignments and other exercises that the trainer deems necessary.
In essence, the program depicted above is a personalized journey catered in the most specific and intensive way to a client’s particular style of learning and can address every shortcoming and limiting belief that presents itself. There is no better way to learn than to have a vast bank of wealth presented to you at whatever speed you find most suitable and then to have a personal coach on your side to see that you’re making the most of that information. Think of it like a Pick Up Personal Trainer.
This program will boost your confidence, your social calibration and make you unstoppable with women.
* This special pricing offer is good only with the first month’s personal training subscription plan.
Don’t just take our word for it when we say that these twenty-days over 12 months will be an experience that will change your life forever…
Demonstrations, Drills, & Feedback… Everything You Need to Get Really
Good at Interacting with Women
Let’s get something straight…
The ABCs of Attraction 12 Months of Fury Longterm Training Program is not a “sit & listen” program where you just take notes and hear my take on what women want. You will get plenty of time hearing me speak, but that’s not enough to actually get into your brain and change the reality in which you socialize and interact with women.
- You get DEMONSTRATIONS of me and my fellow coaches approaching… flirting with… and making out with women. And if you’re lucky, you may even see clips of our staff taking women home so you know exactly what it looks like STEP BY STEP.
- You have DRILLS and EXERCISES to do in the classroom… so long before you even step into the bars & clubs you have it in your bones what you’re supposed to do when you go up to a sexy woman to flirt. This lowers your anxiety by 90% and raises your effectiveness rate by up to 500%… after even just one hour of doing the exercises.
- You get REAL TIME FEEDBACK while you’re interacting with women so any mistakes in your game get corrected instantly and you’re able to keep women interested and wanting more of you. Often we can even help you out while you’re still talking to the woman so even after a mistake you still might be able to take her home!
After you build a strong foundation and learn the system that have made so many students successful with women, you will have 17, 4 hour sessions, totally personalized for you that will include exercises, drills, daygame and nightgame sessions to get all of your hurdles tackled head on and we make sure you understand absolutely all of the material and can apply it to get what you want.
We even give you an entire home program for FREE to make sure you have as much knowledge pre-installed in your head before you arrive at your starter bootcamp. This Prebootcamp Homestudy Course will supercharge your game and get you in on the ground floor running before you even attend the first day of class and keep up the momentum while you master what you have learned over the next 12 months.
After your drills and preparation, we take you out to the lounges, bars, clubs, malls, coffee shops and demonstrate what the “perfect approach” looks like… so you can model the right habits and start getting scarily good at meeting women right away.
I want to warn you that you may be talking to hotter girls than you’ve met your entire life… AND having them be fully 100% attracted to you and making out by the end of the night… maybe even taking them home!
A Former Student’s (Now Husband)
Heartwarming Message to JT Tran:
What Your Totally Customized, 20-Day Social & Seductive Dominance 12 Months of Fury Longterm Training Program Will Give You…
- A powerful confidence that everyone in your social circle and social life can feel. Just by walking into the room, you radiate a self-belief that earns you instant respect and gains the attention of every woman in the room.
- Your own personal set of social & seductive tactics that are created just for you. This makes your personal transformation and dream results come 100x faster because you’re not using techniques or routines written for someone else or people “in general” like in ebooks or home products…
- A roadmap to completely changing your image to match your ultimate lifestyle dream. Want to be the Playboy? The Bad Boy? The Rock Star? The Dreamy Artist? This weekend, you re-invent yourself to be the ultimate man who scores the hottest women and lives a life of total social abundance.
- A total image revamp so you can stand out in a crowd and have women checking you out instantly without you saying a word.
- The 17 body language tweaks that let you convey to everyone in the room that you are the alpha male…and unconsciously signal to women that you are the guy to go home with that night.
- How to talk to any woman for minutes or hours at a time… without ever running out of things to say or feeling awkward.
- How to weave seductive language into everything you say so women unconsciously start thinking sexual thoughts about you…even to the point where they make the first move.
- The REAL DEAL on what women really want… and why you don’t need anything outside of yourself to give it to them.
- 15 Customized Conversation Openers you can use at any time so you NEVER have to wonder, “What do I say?” before talking to a beautiful woman.
- How to obliterate any “approach anxiety” so you can be on fire and flirting with women left and right.
- The 10 Attraction Switches that you can sneak into regular conversation that subconsciously convince a woman you are an A-List Alpha Male that she better take home quick before another woman snags you!
- The secrets of Buying Temperature Spikes… (this can trick a woman into thinking she was lusting for you all along)… and how to get a woman so excited that she will do nearly anything you say…
- Sexual escalation & touching made easy… Learn how to go from an innocent handshake to having the two of you mauling each other and making out in a corner within minutes…
- Over 20 HOURS of infield and classroom instruction over our 3 days together… You will not leave with a single question unanswered.
- Specific strategies for approaching ANY woman, ANY time, ANY place… no exceptions. Whether she’s at a coffee shop, a bar, or on the street you’ll know what to do.
- Secret Day Game tactics that will let you snatch up hot women when their friends aren’t around (This is especially powerful if you’re not a woman’s usual “type” and you tend to get cock-blocked by a girls’ friends at the clubs)
- Date women completely out of ‘your league.’ It doesn’t matter if you’re short, fat, older, “fobby” or just plain not good looking…
Here’s another bootcamp review:
How Much Does it Cost for Me To
Have Total Sexual Abundance?
Ok, so now you might be wondering…How Much Does it Cost for Me To Have Total Sexual Abundance?
For this amount of personalized attention from a dedicated pick-up & seduction coach, I’ve seen prices go as high as $10,000, but you won’t have to pay nearly that much. Because you are investing in yourself, when you buy The All Star Apprecticeship Bootcamps, it’s like taking 3 Premium Bootcamps and getting one completely FREE!
And, because I do not want price to be a reason anyone doesn’t have an abundance of women in their life.
Here’s what I’m going to do…
- I’m going to give you Fast Action Pricing if you pay in full one month in advance so you can save $$$$ AND get immediate access to your Prebootcamp Homestudy Course so you can start getting instant results today!
- I’ve made arrangements with Square Installments which gives you the flexible financing options including 6 month to 12 month payment plans. By financing your investment with flexible and generous terms, you’ll be able to take advantage of your bootcamp and make low monthly payments over time (subject to credit check as a U.S.A. citizen).
I’m not sure what I could do to make it any easier.
So here are your options…
I HIGHLY suggest you get the 12 Months of Fury Program, simply because then you get both Friday and Saturday night in-field sessions plus a Sunday session specifically designed for you….and then you do it 17 more times over 12 months…so you get my full Platinum Bootcamp at a HUGE DISCOUNT PLUS 17 sessions where you can master the system, all specifically designed for you!
Look, the lecture stuff is great and can totally transform your game… but having me by your side… at the bars… giving you guidance every step of the way, correcting your body language in REAL TIME…
That is really what you’re coming for… Don’t miss this opportunity.
At some point, I may move to just giving speeches and lectures and won’t be giving advice in-field anymore, so don’t let this chance to get completely coached to perfection pass you by.
Experience the Asian Playboy 12 Months of Fury Longterm Training Bootcamp
transformation like this student:
STILL NOT SURE?? Here are some frequently asked questions about the program:
Q: Is the starter bootcamp another bootcamp in addition to the required bootcamp?
A: No, the starter bootcamp is the same bootcamp format as the special bootcamp, but it is more affordable and there is often a higher student:teacher ratio available.
However, APB’s infield sessions are dictated by his availability, although at least one night session isguaranteed.
All other field training is handled by APB’s hand picked and personally trained, Certified ABCs coaches who have gone through 500 hours of live training.
Q: Wasn’t this called the 12 Weeks Of Fury originally?
A: Yes, but obviously do to Covid, people’s work schedule, we’ve extended it out to a full year so that students with busy schedules have more time to use their 17 credits to get their advanced training in.
Q: Are all the coaching sessions in field?
A: Not all of the coaching sessions are in-field. Depending on the student’s progress, there may be lectures on phone/text game, storytelling, dominance, event organizing, social circle expansion, relationship maintenance, etc. If a student is having particularly tough time with the basics, the better part of the time will be spent in-field rehearsing the basics before moving on. NOTE: Advanced classroom sessions still count as one (1) full session regardless.
Q: If so, is it assumed the student has to pay for the coaches (or their own) travel costs?
A: Both the client and the coach will be responsible for their own travel expenses in the Los Angeles area. A different rate will apply to the training cost in areas outside of Los Angeles. The only costs will be taking care of cover and taxi fare.
Q: What is the difference between this bootcamp and the weekend bootcamps?
A: Bootcamps are very important and are a great standalone product (as has been proven by the past 4 years of success for The ABCs of Attraction). These personal, monthlong training sessions are meant to be a more specific training program catered to an individual interested in the most thorough, hands-on training possible. While the weekend bootcamps offer a great wealth of knowledge and practice (and are prescribed for beginners because of their immeasurable value), ongoing coaching tunes the finer points of game and offers all the knowledge that the coach possesses.
Q: Before I consider this program, I would like clarification: Will the 4 hour sessions (with a coach or head instructor) be classroom sessions or will they be infield sessions at night time?
A: As mentioned before, the program will depend greatly on the progress of the student and his personal preference. Some students may rather sit over coffee and discuss Text Game and some may rather go to a club and work on building comfort. Remember, we’re here for you and the advantages of the Personal Training program are that we can cater to your needs.
Q: What happens if I want all field training, but the coach recommends more drills & lectures?
A: Well, your training is personalized to you and we will cater to your needs as much as possible. However, do realize that the reason your trainer is recommending a certain curriculum is that he detects a defiency that can be fixed with further training. Of course, if you are still conflicted about following your trainer’s recommendation, then the head instructor will make the final mediation.
Q: Is it appropriate for a beginner like me?
A: In our first, inaugrual 12 Weeks of Fury program, one of our students had been in the Community for only 3 months and who had his first kiss at the age of 23. If that doesn’t qualify him as a beginner, then I don’t know who does. And during the Fury Starter Bootcamp, he fully, romantically, and sexually connected with a woman on just the SECOND NIGHT OF BOOTCAMP. Trust us, we can help ANYONE and- yes- that includes YOU!
Q: How much pre-program preparation do I have to do?
A: The Pre-Program stuff is just like all the other pre-bootcamp homework. Basic, but thorough. It will take work, but nothing incredibly taxing.
Q: How does it work around the holiday season?
A: The advantage of the program is that the personal attention is catered in just that way, personally. We’re not a huge corporation with big strict attendance policies; we can make anything work for anybody. That’s our job.
Q: How much time per week do I have to devote to it? Normally I have only the weekends free. Will it consume my entire weekend, every weekend?
A: After the three-day bootcamp, there is a 2-1-2 training session schedule. It’s explained very thoroughly on the event description page but the short answer is: You can devote as much time as you want to the program.
This is YOUR life and YOUR desire to improve that we’re working with. If you want to make the time to improve, then we can work with it. Both Gareth and APB sarged 4 to 6 nights a row back in basic training, but obviously most people cannot make that huge a time commitment. But that’s why we’re here, to accelerate your growth through all the growing pains so that you learn- and sarge- more efficiently.
Q: How can it be that it lasts so much longer than a bootcamp (12 months versus one weekend), but only costs about twice as much? Is the 12 months basically equivalent to three back-to-back bootcamps?
A: This is the pilot program which we’ve just started. The price is definitely going to go up in the future. But for right now, all those lucky students who decide to sign up, get the benefit of a reduced price while we work out the kinks that naturally comes with creating a new, customized training program. Also, Asian Playboy does not teach all the sessions. Refer to the 2-1-2 training sessions in the 12 Months of Fury course description to see the breakdown.
So right now you really have one of three choices…
First, you can just give up and decide things are going to be the same for the rest of your life.
That means if you’re not getting dating much now… then you accept you probably won’t have much choice in women for the rest of your life…
In anything in life, if you don’t work at it, you don’t improve things. This means you might get married at some point, but it probably won’t be to someone you really love, and definitely not someone you’re very attracted to. (This is actually the case with many if not most marriages, tragically).
The second choice is to try to do this all yourself…
Go to the bars and clubs five nights a week, suffer through brutal and punishing rejection, and get better inch by inch… or just fail and end up giving up anyway. I have to tell you that almost everyone who goes this path alone ends up failing.
And I’m no exception.
If I didn’t have a number of amazing coaches and if I hadn’t gone to tons of seminars and bootcamps myself, I would probably be close to where you are right now.
Even worse than that, you could build up horribly bad habits by trying to do this yourself and not having someone there to correct you.
I would hate to see this happen to you.
So I suggest the THIRD OPTION and really the ONLY option if you want to get better in this area of your life…
NOTE: This special program is currently ONLY available in the Southern California area. Please call (1-323-317-2431) or use the contact form if you are interested in applying for a slot in our explosive 12 Months of Fury program in the following areas:
- New York
- San Francisco
- Orlando/Miami
- Australia
- Thailand
Take the ABCs of Attraction 12 Months of Fury Longterm
Training Program and change your life forever.
You have Three Full Days of the most comprehensive attraction coaching imaginable and then you do it 17 MORE TIMES for a total of 20 Infield Sessions… and my direct commitment to make sure that you personally have every answer you need.
Don’t wait on this… it really is your one chance to guarantee you get the social and sexual lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.
JT “The Asian Playboy” Tran
P.S. – As the testimonials will show you, this stuff works and we run out of spots very quickly. The question I want to leave you with is, “Would you rather take 3 days or the rest of your life to get good with women?”
Really… no matter what you do, get this part of your life handled. Life is so much better once your relationships with women are taken care of.
P.P.S – Any questions for us? Use the form below and we’ll email you back or get on the phone and chat if you’d like.